Ekonomist Peter Schiff svari pred novim, Prihajajoča velika depresivna kriza, Kritizira zavajajoče številke o inflaciji

Peter Schiff, avtor uspešnic in glavni ekonomist Europaca, je opozoril na prihod novega obdobja velike depresije v Ameriki. V intervjuju, Schiff je izjavil, da uradni indeks cen življenjskih potrebščin (CPI) številke so bile namenjene zavajanju javnosti in…

Latam Insights: Bolivija razmišlja o kitajskih juanih za trgovinske poravnave, Steve Hanke predlaga 30-dnevno rešitev za venezuelsko inflacijo

Dobrodošli v Latam Insights, zbirko najpomembnejših novic o kripto in gospodarskem razvoju iz Latinske Amerike v zadnjem tednu. V tej številki, Bolivija razmišlja o uporabi kitajskega juana v mednarodnih trgovinskih poravnavah, inflacija doseže 108.8% v Argentini, in…

Latam Insights: Bolivia Sells Gold for Dollars, Argentina Bans Fintech Crypto, Fitch Upgrades El Salvador’s Credit Rating

Dobrodošli v Latam Insights, zbirko najpomembnejših novic o kripto in gospodarskem razvoju iz Latinske Amerike v zadnjem tednu. V tej številki, Bolivia passes a law to sell gold for dollars, the Central Bank of Argentina bans fintech

Ameriška bančna industrija v nemiru: Celovit pogled na "veliko konsolidacijo" in največje bančne propade 2023

2023 has been a rollercoaster ride for the U.S. banking industry. The collapse of three major banks has sent shockwaves through the financial world, with their combined assets surpassing the top 25 banks that crumbled in 2008. The following is a

Nekdanji izvršni direktor Coinbase Balaji Srinivasan se zapira $1 Stava na milijon bitcoinov

Nekdanji glavni tehnološki direktor pri Coinbase, Balaji Srinivasan, predčasno zaključil stavo, da bo cena bitcoina dosegla $1 milijonov do sredine junija sredi hiperinflacije v ZDA. dolar. Srinivasan je plačal skupaj $1.5 milijonov, more than the initially

Satoshi’s Last Emails: ‘Make It About the Open-Source Project,’ Economist Predicts ‘Catastrophic’ Fall in US Living Standard, FRC Shares Plummet, in več — pregled tedna

Another week has passed in the world of crypto and finance, with the anniversary of Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto’s last known emails, predictions of massive declines in Americansstandard of living, and important developments at the struggling First Republic Bank. All

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov States De-Dollarization ‘Can No Longer Be Stopped’

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has spoken on the current shift to national currencies and the de-dollarization international markets are currently experiencing. In a press conference after addressing the UN Security Council on April 25, Lavrov stated this shift could not

ECB President Lagarde Warns of ‘Major Disaster’ If US Defaults on Debt Obligations

There is a lot of discussion lately about the U.S. government’s debt ceiling and whether Congress will act before defaulting. V nedavnem intervjuju, Christine Lagarde, the president of the European Central Bank (ECB), said she is confident the U.S. lahko…

Latam Insights – Inflation Skyrockets in Argentina, El Salvador Processes Digital Assets Licenses, Venezuelan Crypto Corruption Probe Continues

Dobrodošli v Latam Insights, zbirko najpomembnejših novic o kripto in gospodarskem razvoju iz Latinske Amerike v zadnjem tednu. V tej številki: Inflation in Argentina goes over 100%, El Salvador issues its first digital assets licenses, and the